Originally Posted by UncleHuck
Originally Posted by 3toe
I'm needing to get tires again and I'm considering the Toyo's looking at everyone's feedback on them. I bought Ridge Grapplers back in August last year and my truck was totaled 2 months later. In just 2,000 miles they used 3/32 of tread. I had the alignment checked at time of install and they went from 13/32 new to 10/32 at the time of the wreck. Seemed excessive and I don't think I want to go back with them.

I'm looking for the quietest and smoothest ride. The Open Country SL rated come with 13/32, while the C and E rated comes with 16/32. I'm not hauling/towing anything, so it's more of a daily driver and offroad at the club type use. So, asking those who run the Toyo's, is there much of a difference with ride and noise between the C and E? Or do the SL perform the best for noise and ride?

Gracias, amigos.

What truck? I have a 2500, and the Toyo tires didn't last well at all.
