Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by Nightwatchman
Originally Posted by AU338MAG
Originally Posted by dave260rem!
Teachers are awesome

Educators are useless.

Just stop paying them word will get out.

Aint that the truth.

What is the difference?

Genuine question

I'm guessing they're talking about the "front line" (actual classroom teachers) vs bureaucrats

Bingo! When you fail as a teacher the system solves that problem by "promoting" you out of the classroom and into an administrative position, seldom if ever, by firing the teacher. A system can get by doing this on occasion but when it has become the norm the system fails. That is exactly what we are seeing in our state and our society. Teaching is a way of life for my family and only one took an administrative position and is still in it and that was up here in a great system. The rest have all chosen to stay in the classroom or one that retired from administration and went back to the classroom where she is much happier. By an administrative position, I'm not necessarily talking about Principal etc., but the made up ones such as Director of Student Learning Advancement, stuff like that. I do know of positions even being created for bad teachers just for the purpose of getting them out of the classroom.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.