Originally Posted by kyles
I worked with some free holiness people back in the seventies. A girl sinned that had the Holy Ghost. They told her she was doomed and she committed suicide. I don't honestly know who had the bigger sin

this is another example of the destuction of the false gospel of lordship salvation.

God manifest in the flesh Jesus christ fullfilled the law perfectly and was the only one who could.james says that if u offend in one point of the law u are guilty of all of it,but God Himself fullfilled it and was the lamb without blemish. when He rose Himself from the dead the old covenant was done away with and we are now under Grace.
rom 3:28 therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.
rom 4:5 But to him that worked not but BELIEVETH ON HIM that justified the ungodly his FAITH is counted for righteousness.

Moses represented the law that's why he could not lead them into the promised land
we are not saved by law keeping we are saved by Grace through Faith.

the false prophets Jesus described in matt 7:22 were TRUSTING in thier WORKS and had not done the will of God that john 6 40 says is to BELIEVE ON JESUS CHRIST.

lordship salvation teaches people to trust in thier BEHAVIOR instead of TUSTING IN THE SAVIOR.

The sin debt was paid in full on calvary. all we have do do to be saved is to TRUST HIM AND WHAT HE DID FOR US.

rom 5:1-2 therefore being JUSTIFIED by FAITH we have PEACE WITH GOD through Jesus Christ.
by whom also we have access BY FAITH into this grace wherein we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

we receive the FREE GIFT of eternal life by faith..
the access point is faith ALONE.

lordship salvation is the works based religion of Cain and cannot save.
it is a damnable HERASY.