Originally Posted by N2TRKYS
Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
Originally Posted by N2TRKYS
This was a predictable outcome of this study. Especially, since the folks doing the study said that it was a compromise(a shorter setback) to the dates that the season was pushed back. They stated that no one would tolerate the dates that it needed to be pushed back to based on nesting times.

We have already established that you and I don't agree on this, but I think you really misunderstood what was said about those dates. You first said something about this relating to the study in MS. Butler did say that they were not going to consider opening the season at peak nesting initiation, which would have pushed the season to 4/15 or 4/20. I don't remember the exact date they used, but they weren't going to consider a date that late, so there was no point in studying it. That seemed like common sense to me. You might as well make the wild turkey a fully protected creature, no different than a bald eagle, if you are going to start the season that late.

What they were willing to study was to see if there was any improvement in poult production by starting the season 4/1, or about 2 weeks later than the historical opening date. My understanding is that the studies in both MS and TN found no benefit. That should have been studied BEFORE changing the season dates, but it wasn't.

There’s nothing to agree or disagree on. I’m stating the fact of what was said about the TN study. If you have issue with that then that’s on you. What I stated had nothing to do with opinion, mine or anyone else’s. You trying to make it out that way says alot, though.

The point of my original post was that it’s not earth shattering results, aince they admitted that they didn’t think it went far enough back to where they thought it could make a difference.

I think what's confusing me is that you originally said that someone associated with the MS study predicted that the 4/1 date was not going to improve poult production numbers. I can look back and link that conversation if you need me to. But, Adam Butler, the study leader, said in the video associated with that thread that he expected improved numbers from that time, and was surprised that it didn't.

After the TN study came out, you applied the prediction to it. Maybe you heard someone from TN make that prediction and got the state wrong when discussing MS? I haven't watched all the TN videos; do you have a link to whatever it was that was said?

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.