Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by kyles
Originally Posted by GomerPyle

When y’all get this all sorted out, can y’all get us all on the same page about which translation and denomination are the “real” ones?

(Thanks, I’ll hang up and listen)

Originally Posted by GomerPyle

When y’all get this all sorted out, can y’all get us all on the same page about which translation and denomination are the “real” ones?

(Thanks, I’ll hang up and listen)

Don't believe us read it and decide. The Bible says work out your on salvation

I was being facetious. I've read and studied it quite a bit and I'm pretty confident on my understanding of it. I was really just making a joke about how these discussions pop up periodically and always go 8-10 pages of people arguing back and forth, but never really accomplishing anything.

I feel pretty confident in saying that most of the folks that participate in these arguments more-or-less believe the same thing and mostly just argue semantics. People love to nitpick individual things about the Bible and its teachings, instead of taking the message as a whole, as it was intended to be taken.

Example: I think we probably all agree that "works" don't save you, God's grace does, through Jesus. We can all also agree that "faith without works is dead". Yet y'all have spent like 4 pages arguing about it...."works" don't lead to salvation, rather salvation leads to works. In other words, if you're truly saved, your "works" will show it. "You'll know them by their fruits.....every good tree bears good fruit and every bad tree bears bad fruit".

Nobody is saying works lead to salvation, but they ARE connected.

Short Version: y'all are so concerned about being "right", that y'all keep arguing even though you're basically saying the same thing, just in slightly different ways, and it's counterproductive

Great post