Originally Posted by jwalker77
I imagine its a common occurance, as well as kidnapping, hostages, human trafficking, slavery and all the other wonderful things the cartel is involved in. Reckon how they decide what to report? Reckon why they dont report all of it? The 6oclock bham news tells us every day how bad the blacks in bham are, guiding us in how we should feel about black people. Reckon why the horrible things the cartel does isnt on the news every single day? These are questions we should really be asking ourselves as were being manipulated. I would venture to say there are thousands of "asylum seekers" in our country living as slaves, indentured servants at the least. Cartel gets them over here and owns them for several years until their debt is paid. Seems like theyd want us to know about that, or try to help the victims. But helping victims isnt really the business were in, is it. Our business is manipulation and mind control.

My guess is the kinda the same reason the msm here doesn’t report the news every day except their reason is probably life ending. I really believe a certain segment of the
USA population doesn’t know how good we have it here.