Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by howl
If you take it seriously, then you dress like it.

Respectfully, that’s an absurd statement

You are wrong Gomer. I love you, i wish you the best. But you are wrong.

So where do you draw the line?

Full suit?
Sport coat and tie?
Shirt and tie?
Slacks and a button down?
Jeans and a collared shirt?
Does the shirt have to be tucked in?
Shorts and a collared shirt?

A lot of people here are confusing their personal preference/opinion for scriptural guidelines that don’t exist. As long as it’s not explicit/suggestive, revealing, or otherwise “offensive” (and not just because it’s “casual”), I don’t see any scriptural justification for criticizing someone’s attire.

Again, if you can back it up with scripture, I’ll humbly admit to being wrong

Last edited by GomerPyle; 03/09/25 07:58 PM.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft