Gomer, the scripture is there. Old and new testament. You look it up, ive read it. If flip flops and a t shirt is the best you have for God, you and he both know that. If youre doing your best, you both know that. If the attitude is, ill do it as long as its comfortable for me, he knows that as well. And if teaching people to honor God with every part of your life is keeping people out of church, anything will keep them out, theyre looking for a reason to stay home anyhow. I have no idea whats in your heart. I have no desire to judge you. But my God deserves our best 24/7. His house is a place of worship. It is a special place and should be treated as such. Thats all in the bible too. God was very serious about the church. He was also pretty big on honor and respect and we, as christians, are required of alot more than what is comfortable to us.

Last edited by jwalker77; 03/09/25 08:07 PM.