Originally Posted by Andalusia
Originally Posted by jwalker77
God was pretty serious about the dress code in church at one time, its in the bible. I know, i know, thats old testament and God has changed alot since then. Oh yeah, theres also that new testament scripture that tells us how to dress. Well, that was thousands of years ago. We dont even dress like they did back then. Im sure God changed his mind by now, we can just tear those pages out and throw them in the burn barrel with the rest of the bible we just didnt want to follow.

The Bible does not refer to a specific dress code. Rather, it is rooted in modesty, respect, and love.

J Walker, What is the New Testament Scripture you are referring to? I am trying to think about what that is but i am unable to place it?

Probably the same scripture youre thinking of. Walking in with all your legs and toes showing certainly isnt modest. If you dress the same way you would going to any other event, ballgame, beachbor such, that sure isnt showing the church any respect. And there was an actual dress code , if im not mistaken, for the high priest, in the old testament. And i understand that dress code is a stretch considering the context of the conversation here, but what it does show is that God did care about how his people dress in his house. On this issue, like just about all others, we humans lean toward the direction that makes it easier on us. If theres no absolute direct instructions. We almost always tend to lean toward what makes us more comfortable. Personally, i believe we should lean toward what ever brings the most honor and glory to God.