Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by Pwyse
Originally Posted by GomerPyle

This feels like an argument Jesus would’ve had with the Pharisees if those discussions occurred modern day. Saying “the scripture is there…look it up” doesn’t cut it. Please show me specific scripture that insinuates that dressing in normal casual clothes on Sunday morning is unacceptable.


Why dont yall show me a scripture where this church building is mentioned. Matter of fact, yall explain that scripture in Timothy and Titus plainly says a bishop is to be a man of one wife. That is absolutely a rule God put in the bible. Some will say "that just means one wife at a time", well, show me where that scripture is in the bible that says that. Its not there. But if you ook at the definition of the word "one" in the original text, the last derinition is "first", a mand first wife. But humans have decided what he really meant to make it easier and better for us, so more people will come to church. When we take what scripture there is in the bible on a particular subject and explain it in a way that we get what we think is right, or makes life a little more comfortable for us, we have messed up already. Christians are told to not be like everyone eles, but the argument here is we can dress just like everyone else and itll be just fine. The fact of the matter is God knows what is in your heart. Our actions, including how we dress, is an outward showing of whats in our heart. Presenting our body holy and acceptable is a reasonable service, nothing special, reckon he will accept that sacrifice if we say "ill present my body Lord, as long as its comfortable for me?" I doubt it.

Maybe I’m not understanding what you are saying. Are you saying we should dress up, compared to everyone else, all the time, or just on Sunday mornings when you go to church?