Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by 3toe
Originally Posted by jwalker77
Originally Posted by twaldrop4
There’s not scripture with dress attire gomer

Yes. There certaily is. Google your words "scripture for dress and attire". See what happens. Theres plenty of scripture about it. No, it dont say "wear this when you go to church". But scripture about dress and attire itself should show us that God does care about that too, because he put it in there. And we should surely honor God in every way when were going to worship him.

I respect your views but I think you are being a little short sighted on this issue. I understand what you are saying, but I think your view is also coming from a traditional point of view on the church being a building people congregate to worship.

Case in point, my son’s FIL minsters a church for the homeless in downtown Birmingham. The “church” is a parking lot, no building. Some 100-150 homeless come every Sunday to hear the word. They are also given a free hot meal and free sundries to take after the sermon. As you would imagine most are in dirty clothes, rags, and not very good hygiene. But, they show up week after week. My wife and I have helped numerous times with serving the meals, giving out gifts at Christmas and Thanksgiving. It’s truly humbling to watch God work with people who have been broken through life yet still have faith to show up and give glory to God.

I do believe that those of us who are fortunate enough should have respect for the house of God and honor it with our good appearance. But, I also believe God welcomes the poor and destitute into his house more than the well dressed who is there for appearances.

But those people dont have a closet to pull clothes out of. Likely some kind of mental issue causing the situation theyre in. They are likely doing their best just to get there. On the other hand, if a man has a closet full of clothes and h pulls his best out to go to work or on a date with his wife but pulls out the same clothes he would wear to a ballgame in july to go to cgurch, he is absolutely showing his boss and his wife more honor and respect than he is God. Its happening standing there at the closet when he choses his clothes. Think about it. I dont wear a suit and tie to church. I do wear the best i have and i wear the same to my church and to that church where the preacher shows up in shorts and flip flops. Its a matter of respect.

Is the man wearing those nice clothes on a date or work to show them respect, or is he trying to impress them? I know I wear what I wear when I go out some place fancy with the wife to impress her. To look nice for her. It’s not because she doesn’t know I respect her and I need to show it. God gets no respect or glory by what you wear to church on Sunday. And if that’s how you are trying to show respect to him, you are missing the boat, respectfully.