The start of 3 years of bad times for me. I got a atrial fib diagnosis and went into the hospital two days before they shut everything down and spent 8 more days in there with a wife going out of her mind. Spent the next year basically making nothing because I work on a fee split and then another 6 months wondering why work was not coming in. Then I found out. The POS I had worked for for 34 a years had decided to do something else with his son and basically strung me along for over a year. Little later I noticed my getting canned coincided perfectly with when the govt stopped covid payments to employers so the guy I made millions for cans my arse 3 years before retirement after leaving me in limbo for probably 9 months so he could put the Covid money in his pocket. Remember he ain’t paying me anything cause I work on a split. My second job choice was horrible and after 9 months that almost killed me went I back to work for one of my old bosses competitors, but the spark for my work, which I had always enjoyed, was gone. My Mom and I got into a bad bad disagreement to the point I really thought the relationship might be over which tore me up badly and then our dog, who I was just stoopid about died suddenly. Wife and I said to heck with this crap, sold the Florida house and moved to my place in sweet home Alabama where thank goodness things have eased up some.