Originally Posted by Irishguy
Originally Posted by fourfive45
Originally Posted by Fishbones
Originally Posted by sbo1971
Nope, no need to read anything else, evolution is only a theory and a sad excuse of one at that. Scientist spend our tax dollars trying to prove it with their own theories but can not show any actual evidence.

And that is a fact, nothing has ever evolved into something else. A dog has always been a dog, a cat has always been a cat, a monkey has always been a monkey and man has always been man. Many evolution scientist have decided creation is the only answer. (except those funded by colleges, etc that are paid to stick to their imposable theories), and by the way man has never been able to create anything close to a cell and never will. Those that claim to have all started with parts of a living matter.

lol dogs are the poster child for evolution

Not really...

All dogs from the Biggest Great Dane to the tiniest Teacup Chihuahua are all bred from wolves. Yes... All dogs are bred by humans from selected wolves.

All dogs descend from domesticated Canis Lupis, yes. That’s my point. Doesn’t matter if humans used selective breeding. The dog has an evolutionary trail back to one specific ancestor, maybe two depending on the continent. Selective breeding is considered a form of evolution. So, yes really.