Originally Posted by Skinny
Originally Posted by Pwyse
Originally Posted by Skinny
Originally Posted by Pwyse
I’m not sure where I stand with all this science.

Skinny what do you believe as far as creation and the Bible? Most Christians believe the earth is only 6,000 or so years old. I know that the science says other wise.

A pedophile Bishop in 17th century Ireland named Ussher came up with the 6,000 year old formula. He also believed in fairies and elves. Here is a wiki to get you started on that nonsense. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ussher_chronology

So what do you believe? His belief was that the Bible was literal. Simply counting the generations gave you the point of creation.

Do you believe the earth was created by God? If so, how does that fit into the science of it all?

Yes. More importantly though is, why do you care what I believe? Its not like anybody listens to me anyway.

Fact is, the first stories of the Bible were verbal, long before writing and reading were a thing. The earliest texts we know of are Sumerian, long after the great flood events caused by the glacial dam breaks which drained the Agassiz basins in Canada.

I do listen to you. Especially in the geological stuff. I always try to learn as much as I can in areas I feel like I’m not educated in. When they come up anyways