We have a family historian…i dont rekin he had anything better to do…but..according to him…we arrived in newberry south carolina around 1740ish…and in 1742…my whole buncha greats grandfather his wife and youngins lit out south west…apparently…there was a small bastion of white folks livin with the indians somewhere in north alabama which was like..Mississippi territory at the time..or some baloney….soo..apparently they came here and settled on sand mountain and lived with the Indians…i dont rekin there was many white folks at all..but i guess they hated the British so much they decided to get as far away from them as they could. My family is HEAVILY influenced by indian blood…like..my grandaddy looked like he tripped an fell off the reservation…so did alot of my family…it took to about my generation for us to be able to grow decent facial hair…I unfortunately did not get the extremely dark complexion and jet black hair..but my aunt did…she goes to walmart an people start talkin to her in spanish..i have no idea if its all true..but we have been here for a very very long time…and we have word of mouth stories that are insanely old…paw paw told us stories his great grandpaws grandpaw told him…i know alot of peoples who claim thos kinda crap…but we supposedly have a well documented history…not sure why…all we ever been is dirt farmers..but i guess everyone needs a hobby..aggervatin really we been here all this time an aint got diddly to show for it🤷🏻