Originally Posted by 2Dogs
Originally Posted by cartervj
Wearing your best is more of a reflection on one’s personal attitude/self worth more so than scripture

No men where I go wear a coat and tie , except , maybe the preacher. I know most very well and am sure they all own a suit/coat and tie. Women don't dress flashy either. Just modest , clean and respectable.

I don’t care what anyone wears but todays dress shows the lack of class or whatever you wanna deem it

When I shot weddings for 25 plus years I wore a suit and tie and in the final 10 or so years, a black suit without a tie. Last wedding I attended the two gals shooting were in cutoff blue jeans and flops and one in a crop top. WOW freaking wow. A special day social event that used to have some sort of decorum. Same for graduations, black suit
I shot numerous formal weddings and felt bad if I had to walk the pews in my socks.

Times have changed for sure. The last time I was at Cafe Thirty A everyone was still kinda dressed up but a high dollar pair of shorts is different than cutoffs. Some white table cloth eateries still hold true to dress codes. Heck I shot a wedding at the Opryland and reception on the General Jackson with a chef and crew flown in from San Fran, I had to buy a black tux to cover that event.
Dad always taught me to look sharp when out in formal events.

Church is a formal event to me but I get the point. That’s not what’s it about but I feel in dressing nicely shows a certain reverence towards worship.

Bear in mind around the house and farm I probably look like a homeless fellow. Heck when I go to the local grocery they don’t recognize me when I’m dressed up.

“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan