"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
Well... He can't go back to South Africa, it's turned into a permanent shithole, and he's rich as six foot up a bull's ass, so why not take his money and expertise and save the United States?
Well... He can't go back to South Africa, it's turned into a permanent shithole, and he's rich as six foot up a bull's ass, so why not take his money and expertise and save the United States?
Well... He can't go back to South Africa, it's turned into a permanent shithole, and he's rich as six foot up a bull's ass, so why not take his money and expertise and save the United States?
He’s trying but we may see a civil war 🤷♂️
“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan
Don't be fooled for a second. His goal is to get to Mars and colonize other planets and outer space. In order to do that. The bulk of the planet, specifically the US has to get on the same page on all levels of society and government. Elon wants a manned mission to Mars and several manned missions to Mars before the first human lands on Mars so that one crew can land, set-up forward base #1, and the second ship be right behind it and so forth continuously. That is a big project that will require massive government support on all levels. DOGE and being a patriot with Trump are just parts of that plan.
"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people. "The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me "You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster
Don't be fooled for a second. His goal is to get to Mars and colonize other planets and outer space. In order to do that. The bulk of the planet, specifically the US has to get on the same page on all levels of society and government. Elon wants a manned mission to Mars and several manned missions to Mars before the first human lands on Mars so that one crew can land, set-up forward base #1, and the second ship be right behind it and so forth continuously. That is a big project that will require massive government support on all levels. DOGE and being a patriot with Trump are just parts of that plan.
Don't be fooled for a second. His goal is to get to Mars and colonize other planets and outer space. In order to do that. The bulk of the planet, specifically the US has to get on the same page on all levels of society and government. Elon wants a manned mission to Mars and several manned missions to Mars before the first human lands on Mars so that one crew can land, set-up forward base #1, and the second ship be right behind it and so forth continuously. That is a big project that will require massive government support on all levels. DOGE and being a patriot with Trump are just parts of that plan.
He will live on in infamy is his goal
“Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it.” ― Ronald Reagan
I’m glad to see interest in space again We’ve been so far removed from the moon landing that our country has forgotten the excitement and patriotism that all experienced
When I need expert advice I tend to talk to myself The older I get the better I used to be
I’m glad to see interest in space again We’ve been so far removed from the moon landing that our country has forgotten the excitement and patriotism that all experienced