Originally Posted by BPI
Originally Posted by jwalker77
BPI you are absolutely correct, the foundation of the law consists of those two things and if you really do those two things, you will keep the other 10. Jesus came to fulfill the law, not to do away with it. The old testament was the schoolmaster. What did the schoolmaster teach? I am God, i changeth not. Explain that one to me. When God decided to change something, he put it in the book. But, if were doing away with the old commandments, i reckon its ok to steal now? What about kill? Can we have another God before him? Who was it decided which rules he still wanted us to keep? We did. And every time we humans are advocating for change, it makes things a little easier on us, dont it. Allows for a little more inclusiion. Gets rid of some of those pesky rules we hate to follow. God never changed. We changed. Thats pretty clear. And i havent said once theres a dress code. I said we should give God our best. We should respect God above tge workplace or datenight. And thats notjust our attire but everything about us. We are supposed to be different than the world. People should be able to look at a crowd and pick out the christians.

I bet we are probably closer on this than we think we are. And possibly speaking about 2 different subjects.

First, I agree that God is unchanging. But the new covenant is not about Him changing, its about the way we approach God has changed. And there is no doubt that it changed when Jesus rose from the dead. I know you know this, but legalism of any kind is a slippery slope. That's all I'm saying.

Think abou it. Should pastors dress like they did in Exodus 28 ? If you follow the legalistic road to its end, that's where you arrive.

Also, I'm not arguing that mankind has attempted to water down God's word. I agree with that. But on this particular subject it's a moot point, other than provocative clothing.

I think alot of consideration should be given to the change in the way people dress now compared to 2000yrs ago. And im not promoting a dress code at all. Just giving God your best, out of respect. And i agree with Bills accessment as well. At my church, men wear pants and women wear dresses. Its always been that way. Visitors sometimes go outside of that and i doubt anything has ever been said to them about it. But 100% of the time, if they hang around, they eventually submit. And there is no dress code, its just always been that way. Ive visited churchs plenty of times whose dress was more lax and i would never tell them there was anything wrong with their way. The bottom line is i cant see in another mans heart and i cant see in another mans closet. But i believe we should give God our best, in everything. That is absolutely not common these days. Society is more about that he will accept me the way i am way of thinking. I personally believe we will be required to submit to God, not the other way around. And alot of people wear nicer clothes than me but some wear less nice. But i do go to worship as presentable as possible.