Did the Covid vaccine save more lives than it killed?
- unlikely - if I had it to do over, I wouldn't have gotten the shot.

What is the scoop on dinosaurs? Did they exist and what killed them?
- yes they existed.
- obviously not a 6.5 Creedmore. I'm guessing either a 7mmRemMag or 300WinMag - or probably a cataclysmic event like a meteor, but I like my theory of a 7mmMag or 300WM better.

What about Extraterrestrial life?
- I have no reason to assume that we are the only "life" in the vastness of space. I assume there are some single or multi-cell organisms that exist on some planets. I absolutely believe that we are of intelligent design and created with the ability to reason.

Who was Jack the Ripper?
- There are some thoughts that it was someone with some knowledge of medical practices; however, DNA evidence points to Aaron Kosminski.

Who killed Jon Benet Ramsey?
- Someone very close to her - either a dad or mom or perhaps both were complicit..

"The struggle you're in today, is developing the strength you need for tomorrow."