Originally Posted by TDog93
Glad i looked back - Andalusia gets it

How about the scripture that says - well its james 2 vs 2-6. Basically says the fabulously dressed man with a gold ring it given the best seat (judging off his attire - by the way - we not supposed too judge that sort of thing) then the poorly dressed person comes in church and people say - go sit at that person's foot stool - the worst possible seat - again judging - not right. Its about love - and some people will fight to be right on this - its not about being right - its about doing what is right

Scripture shoots down the whole dressed up stance pretty hard. I hav done both fancy and average - neither matter!

Kinda judging the dress up crowd. 😂

I agree it doesn’t really matter as being a Christian

It’s not about over dressing and or underdressing but respect. If you meet in a formal situation one should dress appropriately. Doesn’t matter if it’s Church or a wedding it’s about wearing what’s appropriate for the circumstances and respect for the situation. If your Church is laid back so be it, if it’s a formal Mass so be it.

One thing I will say as the transformation of dressing down opened up the doors to very informal weddings to the point ceremonies looked like paparazzi had taken over. It had gotten so bad with roving shooters that preachers performing the ceremonies would actually mention no photos during the ceremony. I guess my angst comes from that. I watched from the front row as class devolved into somewhat chaos. Not just weddings but also commencements.

I get the sentiment as once I grew older I did not wear my new duds for Easter Sunday. It’s not a fashion show.

What I’m speaking to is lack of respect for the circumstances. I’d imagine a 3 piece suit is inappropriate for a Cowboy Church

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