Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by deadeye48
Show Here is the dress code for women and men
1st Tim 2:9-10
1st Peter 3:3-4
This is not all but there is absolutely nothing about getting all dressed up
I wear a Stetson hat all the time and yes on Sunday too
I feel my jeans, sports jacket, boots and hat are sufficient and I’ve never been convicted over this way of dressing

This is a good example of why it's important to know the context of scripture in order to truly understand it's intent and to not misinterpret it. (I'm not talking about you, by the way, just "people" in general).

To quote Wesley Huff "The scripture was written for you, but it wasn't written to you. Meaning, it's important to understand who is talking, who they're talking to, and why. Someone taking 1 Timothy 2:9-10 on its own, without knowing the historical/cultural context, would take that to mean women today shouldn't braid their hair or wear jewelry. Period.

Paul was writing to Timothy, regarding the church in Ephesus. At that time and in that culture, braided hair was considered a status symbol. It also mentions expensive jewelry and clothes, much more-so than the average person would have had. Paul isn't calling these specific things out because there's anything necessarily wrong with them, in and of themselves, but because of what they represent and the intent behind wearing something like that while worshipping. It would almost be the modern-day equivalent of a woman hiring a professional hair stylist and make up "artist", like they might today for a wedding, but every time they went to church....or a man wearing a tuxedo and tails to church every Sunday morning. Braided hair, today, is by no means a "status symbol" (although excessively expensive jewelry certainly is). Paul's point is that one should not dress for worship so as to show off to others because that means they're more concerned with others' opinion of them rather than truly worshipping God.

If anything, Paul's letter to Timothy, and his general point, would seem to indicate that wearing "regular" clothes to church is actually more appropriate than wearing your "Sunday best"....

Ultimately, neither is "better" or "worse" than the other, on their own merit. It's all about the intent.

You’re absolutely correct about contextual intent but we do use this as a guideline for our dress and conduct
To dress to draw attention to yourself in the house of God should never be done
If you wouldn’t act or talk in a particular way in the house of God neither should you do it outside the house of God

When I need expert advice I tend to talk to myself
The older I get the better I used to be