The New rules in Congress are Men are biological Men, and Women are biological Women.
video is also attached to this exchange, but you get the idea...hissy fit. laugh

BREAKING: Rep. Sarah McBride - a transgender - was just introduced as "Mr. McBride" and ALL H*LL BROKE LOOSE because he was "misgendered."

The Democratic member literally started POUNDING HIS FIST and YELLING, and the hearing was then ADJOURNED.

REP. KEITH SELF (R): I will now recognize the representative from Delaware, Mr. McBride.

REP. KEATING (D): Can you repeat your introduction please?

SELF: We've set the standard on the floor of the House...

KEATING: What is that standard? Would you repeat what you just said when you introduced a duly-elected representative from the USA?! Please?

SELF: I will. The representative from Delaware, Mr. McBride.

KEATING: Mr. Chairman, have you no DECENCY? I've come to know you, but this is not DECENT.

SELF: We will continue this hearing-

KEATING: You will not continue it with ME unless you introduce a duly-elected representative the RIGHT WAY.

SELF: This hearing is adjourned.

"Never Trust Government" -- Smart people.
"The Great thing we should Fear and the Weird Thing we Trust is Elon Musk" -- Me
"You can be broke but you cant be poor." -- Ruthie-May Webster