Originally Posted by Goatkiller
The problem with getting 7's or 8's is they aren't as versatile when you need them to be. I personally find the 10's will do everything a pair of 8's will do. But it's not the other way. The 8's will leave you feeling a little inadequate at times. Over 10x and you get into other issues like you can't hold them steady. I could get onboard with some 8's I just don't love them although they are common for a reason.

Most of y'all think you need 20x to shoot 200 yards so I can't imagine you'd have any use for some 7's.

I also have a pair of Swaro CL Compact 8x25 for hunting in the woods. I use them a lot as well. I also think or would agree 6x would be better. They are excellent and in the timber I think invaluable... however.... I would NOT want those to be my only pair.

I also have 2 binos. The Swarovski CL 8x30 and the EL 10x42.

Really wish the would make that CL in a 6X.

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe