Originally Posted by 2Dogs
Originally Posted by cartervj
If you go to a church where most wear suits you will stand out in jeans or whatever
Could’ve swore I read don’t stand out or draw attention to oneself

It’s all up for interpretation I guess


I’ve been pondering with this debate, whats the deal with tithes. 10% or what and how what about Churches that ask for W2s?

I don't believe tithing 10% is a requirement for the New Testament Church. I've never heard of a Church asking for W2s. We're supposed to be cheerful givers. I wouldn't be very cheerful in a Church that required a peek at my tax info.

Yall know how I feel about the tithe. Biggest scam ever pulled. If you want to give 10% fine. But if they teach that the tithe is still in effect for today’s Christians they are LIARS, plain and simple. Even when it was required it was only required of the Jewish people. If your a Orthodox Jew and believe only in the Old Testament then tithing is still a requirement for you.