Something the state cant force you to do is shoot does……If “the people” ever got fed up with it and wanted to protest the state’s actions then everyone shutting down doe harvest would be a fitting way of going about it……. Their main power comes through misinformation and convincing hunters to keep pulling the trigger as much as they’ll pull it……..That’s the main strategy of the other interests…..I think that’s the main reason they’re not ever going to actually educate hunters…..Once they lose control of the narrative and hunters realize that they’re just suppressing the populations then those other interests are just fugged……They can raise the doe limit to 5 per day if they want to but they still cant force anyone to shoot them……They’d be like “What are we gonna do now!?!?”…….Answer: I guess we gotta come up with a different solution because we rode that other strategy into the dirt and now we’ve lost the trust of the people…..

But maybe there isnt a better solution and the reality of the world we live in today is that everybody isnt going to get to have good hunting because there’s too much other chit that has to get done to support the “progress”…….Its hard for the realist in me not to recognize that chitty part of it

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Last edited by CNC; Yesterday at 03:10 PM.

We dont rent pigs