Originally Posted by OlTimer
Originally Posted by Fattyfireplug
So, government shutdown is a good thing when Democrats are in power. But not when Republicans are in power? Got it.

I see government shut down as as good thing. The longer they are shut down, the more we save and the more obvious it is which components are necessary and which are not. I see shutdown as a victory regardless of who's in power.

But the "it's good when my guy is in power" attitude is one of the biggest issues in our government. Some of us see it as good or bad and don't give a damn who it makes look bad. That's how right and wrong works. But we gotta introduce gray areas and be hypocrites about it, because...politics.

Fug that.

Fatty, it doesn't save a dime. Government employees get backpay after the shutdowns, furloughs, etc. Its as if they are on a paid vacation. Speaking from experience.

Maybe not on the front end. But on the back end, it most certainly does with this administration. Want to see what's needed and what's not? Shut it down for two months and we will see. Democrats should see this and be terrified.

Character is not developed in moments of temptation and trial. That is when it is intended to be used.