Originally Posted By: jmj120
I don't expect all to understand. Turkeys are just different with me. I won't shoot one I don't call up. Many times I have been walking out of the woods and come upon a gobbler strutting in a roadbed or just standing there. I've never shot one like this and never will. I'm not much into decoying either. Back in the day, if you didn't call them up and kill them, you were known as a bushwacker. Nobody wanted to be called that. Things change, and that's fine. I'm not going to question or be critical of someone who does it differently, just not my cup of tea.

I agree 100%, but there is no shame in killing one at 50 after calling them up. Also relative to where you hunt...I bet I've called in over 100 birds to with in 30 yds that I could never get a shot at because of a shelf, gully or large rock...that's a situation a lot of hunters in other areas of Alabama don't get to/ have to experience very often. Every where I've hunted south of Jackson Co. a turkey at 30 yds in front of your barrel is dead 9 out of 10 times.

Also, I've killed turkeys at 10 steps after 10 minutes of calling and I've killed turkeys at 50 steps after 4 hours...I can assure you the satisfaction of the killing one after 4 hours outdoes the satisfaction of the one killed after 10 minutes.

Last edited by truedouble; 02/25/13 02:30 PM.