>>>Funny thing how people enjoy different things.<<<

And its also funny how the ones we remember the most are the ones that get away.

One I will never forget was when I was 15 yrs old. It was late in the season, and my dad had his limit and I hadn't killed a one. I'd had a problem with my gun, a very poorly made Spanish SXS that got to where one barrel wouldn't shoot. The gunsmith kept it all season, and I'd been using a borrowed gun, and finally got my gun back one night. My dad said I could hunt before school by myself the next morning, and its the only time I can remember that he let me borrow his rifle to take with me too. I guess he really wanted me to get one. He knew where a turkey was gobbling, so I got in the 51 Chev pickup and took off early. No drivers license, of course, but didn't have far to go.

The turkey gobbled where I expected, and I took off down the road with a gun in each hand. He never gobbled again, but I was pretty sure of where he was and set up just right, along an old road. I took out my homemade box, scratched out a yelp, and immediately heard wings beating the air. The gobbler flew straight to me and lit in the road about 20 yds away. I had killed a couple of jakes before, but this was gonna be my first longbeard, and it was gonna be an easy shot.

As I was shouldering the SXS, I flipped off the safety, and when I did both barrels went off. The gun jumped out of my hand and smacked me in the mouth, busting my lip pretty bad. The turkey flew off. I had to play in a baseball game that afternoon and everyone on both teams kept asking me what happened to my lip.

I been trying to get even with them for that incident ever since. smile

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.