I guess I still don't get it. I have been all over the country seeing this same issue, but with a slight twist everywhere I go. Dog hunting is dying everywhere. Why? The numerous bad apples in the group. For some reason it seems more prevalent here than in other states that I have lived or worked in. That may be due to the regulations on tract size or limitations they had on the dog hunters, I don't know.

What I do know is if the good doggers would police the bad ones, it would legitimate their claim that they can handle it themselves. That has yet to be done and I don't see happening either. Danny and folks like him unfortunately seem to be the exception, not the rule when it comes to that group. Unfortunately in almost a decade of handling land leasing in 4 states I can count on 1 hand how many good experiences I have had with doggers and I can't count the bad ones.

That said, you will not see me advocating to close the season or do away with dog hunting. However, I can see the door closing now...