Originally Posted By: TatSoul
Originally Posted By: doghunter29
if you look at the lines they are on natural borders. creeks highways and county lines. They said it makes its easier to patrol. As far baiting. yes they voted and it passed. 100 yards from hunter and out of site. out of site is up to the game warden. it refers to deer and pigs. They said out of site dosent mean corn behind a bale of hay.
looks like the whole baiting thing is really going to screw people who had feeders on there property during the season but never hunted around them.Now it looks like all feeders during the season have to be permitted and u have to buy a license for each one.

Won't do any good.... Like the ones who already use them and break the law are actually going to spend the money on a permit..... Really....

Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves...
