bud�s not for the NRA.
One day after the United States Senate failed to pass background check legislation for firearm sales, Adolphus Busch IV, the heir to the Anheuser-Busch beer fortune, abruptly terminated his membership to the NRA.
In a forceful letter to NRA President David Keene, Busch expressed his dismay that the organization had worked so diligently to defeat the background check bill, KSDK reported.
"I fail to see how the NRA can disregard the overwhelming will of its members who see background checks as reasonable," Busch wrote.
An avid hunter, Busch joined the NRA in 1975, but after watching its political dealings in the ongoing debate over new gun regulations following the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, the former CEO said he had seen enough.
Bush resigned from the NRA in a letter to the group's president, David Keene.
Pete Marovich/Getty Images
Bush resigned from the NRA in a letter to the group's president, David Keene.
"The NRA I see today has undermined the values upon which it was established," Busch wrote. "Your current strategic focus clearly places priority on the needs of gun and ammunition manufacturers while disregarding the opinions of your 4 million individual members."
In a statement to the Huffington Post, NRA spokesman Andrew Arulanandam said, "We disagree with his characterization, but we wish him all the best."
No stranger to the politics of the boardroom, Busch zeroed in on the reason why the NRA has acted to thwart any and all legislative attempts to enact new gun laws.
"One only has to look at the makeup of the 75-member board of directors, dominated by manufacturing interests, to confirm my point,� Busch wrote. �The NRA appears to have evolved into the lobby for gun and ammunition manufacturers rather than gun owners."
Busch, whose great-grandfather founded Anheuser-Busch, instructed Keene to �immediately� remove his name from all membership roles, KSDK reported.
Read more: guy??? Nicole Martin, a 27-year-old model was found dead Sunday (Dec. 20) at the St. Louis home of her boyfriend and former Anheuser-Busch CEO August Busch IV, 46.
According to a statement by Busch's attorney, Art Margulies, "there is absolutely nothing suspicious about [Martin's] passing." Nothing other than 27-year-olds don't usually suddenly die. Authorities say that there are no signs of trauma or illness. An autopsy will be performed with results expected in four to six weeks.
In 1983, Busch was involved in a car accident that killed another young woman, Michele Frederick. Police said Busch lost control of his car while taking a sharp turn at excessive speeds and his passenger was killed when she was thrown from the vehicle. Making matters worse, Busch fled the scene and did not notify the police of the accident. Manslaughter charges were later dropped due to lack of evidence.
Busch is the great-great-grandson of Anheuser-Busch founder Adolphus Busch, the heir to the family fortune and during his time as the head of the company's marketing department made his mark by being an early champion of the wildly successful Budweiser frogs campaign.