If you use them to fill your feeders, the deer will follow them to the feeder.... No kidding, I've filled a feeder, took the four wheeler to another one, went back to pick up a dropped camera and the deer were already there. Also have trail cam pics right after filling a feeder and departing. I also have seen/have pics of deer within an hour of discing/planting food plots using the 4 wheeler. One of the largest bucks I've shot walked within 20 yds of my parked 4 wheeler wayyy up the fence line from my stand. BTW, even though it is legal, I don't hunt the feeders and I try not to take the 4 wheeler within about 3-400 yds of my stand and it has a "silencer" which does nothing for engine noise. But we have shot many deer using the 4 wheeler to get within walking distance using slow speeds for the ride. We shot two bucks this year one within an hour and one within 20 minutes of getting to our stands after parking the 4 wheeler about 200 yds away. I've also seen them run like the dickens when they hear a 4 wheeler. Does that help?? laugh laugh

Last edited by DarnYankee; 12/15/10 01:06 AM.

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