I have a very close friend with a cloudy history. I believe him to be a righteous man and he obviously loves Christ. He loves his family and friends and his church. He'd do just about anything to help someone in need and he is constantly looking for ways to be of service to others ...
Let me briefly tell you his story and then you can tell me your thoughts on the matter :
He married a girl when he was young and was faithful to her in every way. After about a year she fell out of love with him and ran off with another man. He tried to convince her to come back but she wouldn't hear of it and she went on her way.
Ten years later he falls in love with another woman and marries her. He was faithful to her completely also. Early on in the marriage she has an affair with his lifelong best friend. He convinces her to come back and to go to counseling. It took him a few years but he forgave her and life went on. Years later she does the same thing again with the same man only this tIme she leaves and divorces him. He tried to convince her otherwise to no avail.
Several years later he meets another woman who had been through an almost identical set of circumstances and she becomes his 3rd wife. They have been married for a long time now and they are committed and dedicated to each other. I mean you should see them together, they are perfect for each other and very much in love to this day.
So, both he and her are on their third marriage. Both of them were completely faithful to their first two spouses. Both of them did everything they could to save their failed marriages.
Are they sinning?
I don't want to pass quietly into the night. I want to slide in sideways kickin and screamin Life really is awesome ... Soak it up while you can ...