If grace isn't sufficient and you must continually ask forgiveness for every single sin, what happens if you forget one? Does Jesus only save those with perfect memory? What happens if you think a carnal thought and then get run over by a truck? Does Jesus only save those sinners lucky enough to avoid untimely tragedy?
I know we are derailing the thread but it needs derailing in my opinion.
Grace is sufficient. Your faith must be in Jesus and the price he paid. You can't rely on your own ability, even your ability to repent.
At the same time, you aren't just OK with God for all time because you prayed a prayer once in church years ago. You must be born again.
A born again man may sin but he wants to be free from sin. There is a big difference between a man who wants his sin to be ok with God, and a man who still sins but really wants to be free from it. You have to be willing for that old man of sin to die, even if it takes a while to kill him after praying a sinners prayer. That's what Paul was saying when he said he crucified himself daily.
Salvation is a condition of the heart. It doesn't matter if it takes time to die to self after asking for salvation. What matters is the willingness to do so in the heart when you ask for salvation.