Originally Posted By: BrentM
Dang Olgoat you are one violent dude

No I'm not like that i'm like everyone who owns anything should be. You get up everyday and do what your supposed to do to get ahead in life,if you'll use your head and work things will happen for you. Any person that is willing let someone take something from them that they have worked for without a fight doesn't deserve to have it. That's the problem here some random idiot thinks he can come in and do what he wants on my land without permission, and you want to know why he thinks that because he has done it before. Well not on my place all the overtime, all the time I've given up not seeing my family was for us to get ahead, and be able to have a place like this. It's not for some s.o.b. If he thinks he'll come in there and do what he wants without any problems he has another thing coming.