Originally Posted By: doekiller
Originally Posted By: outdoorobsession
Originally Posted By: NortonZ7
I wasn't saying he was on the same level. I was just saying surely he learns a thing or two from reading all that. I know DK knows his stuff. Not many lawyers don't. I don't think Eddie is a dumb guy though. And y'all know I am an advid QDM guy so its not like I agree with Eddie on hardly anything.

Oh I know Drew...dang...just read the "great day" post. WOW! Didnt know what I had missed.
Blackhawk and I don't see eye to eye. I know it am being rude and a jerk towards him. It is not my normal behavior and I am ashamed of myself, not. I have never gotten really personal with anyone else on here, but, Blackhawk just sets me off.

My name is doekiller and I have a problem.

LOL...heck Doekiller..youve always been alright in my book.
Poor blackhawk seems to have had it tough...so I give him a pass.

At least his daddy wasnt in law enforcement and he isnt being stalked by those drug dropping black copters and pungi stick pit digging dudes like that other lost soul on here that got the ban hammer dropped on him. NOW HE..HAD A PROBLEM!

By the way...When is the debate with 49er scheduled??