Originally Posted By: WDE
Originally Posted By: Rebelman
Doekiller only said what everyone else was thinking.

That's a fact! I don't post much but I do enjoy lurking around, and do so almost daily. I also for my own enjoyment go directly to Blackhawk's post/responses to himself. He does the same thing on Archerytalk. He's asked for handouts in a round about way on this site and the other, and it had nothing to do with needing to eat.
He claims to go hungry at night, yet he purchases numerous bow components, and post about said components Ad nauseam. He said that his motorcycle was paid for, yet it has been repoed by his 2nd or third ex wife. Y'all are having the wool pulled over your eyes and you don't even know it. I should have left the "and you don't even know it" out. Can someone point me to his post prior to his stroke?

Blackhawk, you've been owned by WDE's post. We are all awaiting your response.....

Jesus... I hope you know Him personally like I do.

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Proud crossbow hunter!