Originally Posted By: doekiller
Originally Posted By: trox28
Im the one that called doekiller a dick and i stand by what i say.You was a complete DICK to blackhawk for no reason other than to be a dick.The mans been through hell and back and you still try and throw him under the bus because you think hes a complete idiot and you said you needed to find out who to talk to to make sure he isnt allowed to drive.Leave the phuckin man alone.Its not his damn fault hes not a little perfect rich boy like you!

I call them like I see them. Not one person ever said they had met him or could verify any of his claims. No one, I ask several times. Now they all come out of the woodwork.

I hope he never follows through with his threats to kill his wife and stepson. I hope he gets the help he needs. I rarely have conflict with anyone on this site. Everyone always want free advise from me. I get PMs daily asking legal questions and I answer them.

If he had not had a stroke, none of you would have any problem with what I said. But, you give him a pass and that's okay.

Man I wish I was a little rich boy, that would be great!!!!!

Your right..If he hadn't had a massive stroke i wouldnt have a problem with what you said...Then again if he hadnt had a massive stroke we wouldnt be talking about this.Hes got a serious medical condition and yes his posts get on my nerves at times but you know what i do?...I look right over em.I dont want any problems with anybody on this site and talk highly about most all of you.That one comment just struck a nerve with me as i have dealt with a stroke victim and they will say crazy things you just gotta look over.