I was on that list a couple years ago,I don't know what good it does to list the counties because every call I got was from five counties away. A couple said they had called AON and got my number from them but again they were from halfway across the state. Best thing the do is to call in a dog early instead of waiting a couple of days and having ten of your buddies walk around looking and transferring blood everywhere. Makes it harder and takes longer when the dog has to figure out whats a blood trail and what's just been transferred by search parties. If it's a big deer and you don't find him pretty damn quick, it's best to call in a dog instead of waiting. If you're hunting 50 acres ,get permission from adjoining landowners if possible to see if u can even continue if one crosses the line. My dog don't do a leash very well so I turn him loose, he can't read "no trespassing" signs and he's got one thing on his mind once he smells blood and that's finding a deer and hoping he's still alive when he get's there. Then the fun starts for him!

Last edited by REEFD; 10/10/13 12:05 PM.

So weird.

99% of the world wipes their ass with it and the barn calls it tradition. Dustin