Originally Posted By: bigt
Originally Posted By: Sharpshooter69
Originally Posted By: WhiteCityHunter
Originally Posted By: Sharpshooter69
Originally Posted By: WhiteCityHunter
Originally Posted By: Sharpshooter69
Originally Posted By: WhiteCityHunter
Originally Posted By: Sharpshooter69
All you liberal goobs need to wake up and smell the coffee. Would you want your daughter lovin on a person of a different race??? MY GOD !!! I thought you guys were a little conservative !!! That's how they brainwash the youth of today with BS TV !!! WAKE UP AMERICA !!!!

I take offense to your post. My brother is married to one of the finest human beings I know and she is the daughter of a German exile (escaped Nazi Germany to Brazil) and her mother is a native Brazilian. People ARE people regardless of race. All races have good and bad people.
We have much bigger problems than to go back 50 years and relive old dying prejudices. Give it a rest!

At the risk of sounding like a smartass, I really do not care. It wasn't meant to offend anyone. If you have thin skin my friend you are on the wrong forum ! This is all in fun. I bet Feb. is your favorite month too. grin

So you spout off racist opinions that have 95% changed over the last 50 years and are now only held by skinheads and white supremacists and you don't expect some backlash?
Ignorance is bliss my friend. Enjoy...

How is me not wanting my daughter dating someone from another race considered racist??? You better wake up boy. Who's side are you on ? The Kenyans?

Boy? Lol, seriously people ARE people, skin color is meaningless. Your beliefs are based on ignorance that was commonplace a long time ago. Education is why only a small minority hold those old 'beliefs' that somehow white people were better than everyone else. My daughter is being raised to be a kind, respectful person to ALL. She is free to marry who she wishes. I'm not dumb enough to believe that I can make that decision for her. You obviously have the right to live and teach your children as you wish. Just remember that 'pure' race is a thing of the past in this country. We are a wide array of races, creeds, religions, etc and that's why we are great!
I'm not a liberal, didn't vote for Obama, not because of his skin color but because his vision of America doesn't agree with mine. I will, however vote for the best candidate, regardless of color, in any election I so desire.
Accept it, the old ways and ignorant beliefs are quickly a thing of the past. I, for one, am glad to see it.

So you are saying I'm ignorant and uneducated ? As are my morals and beliefs ? So when your daughter shows up pregnant by Tyrone and he has nothing to do with her or the child , your ok with that ? Really ? Now who's ignorant ?
so would you not have a problem if your daughter shows up pregnant by some white guy that has nothing to do with her or the child?

I definitely would !!! There are good and bad on both sides.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.