Originally Posted By: Bigbamaboy
I recently taught a lesson dealing with this issue. The answer is really simple. However, you must know and understand the Word of God to comprehend this answer.
1) For the glory of God. John11:4
2) So that unbelievers may believe. John 11:15
3) So that we may have a testimony. John 9:4
4) To increase/ purify the faith of believers. 1 Peter 1:6-7, James 1:2-4


Straycat, I really enjoy your Biblical post. I also appreciate that you back your statements with scripture instead of just spouting opinions. The Word is the only truth and every statement must be measured by it.

I agree, I also believe he is a true soul. I need hearing reminders to be a better man.

WM Hunter "Trump literally sacrificed himself, his family and all of his businesses for this country.
He literally is a true American hero. And True American Patriot - warts and all."