I know a lot of people who use walking railroad tracks to access deep parts of WMA's. So I guess you can't do that huh? Is walking down the side of the track in the gravel a violation too? What boundary constitutes "railroad tracks"? I would like to know because there is a place that I thought I might would need to walk some tracks to get somewhere, but not if I have to fight the law.
ALDCNR has no law/reg that prohibits access down a RR to reach a hunting spot. Gun must be unloaded all the way.
I have seen instances where the RR objected to persons riding three wheelers down the tracks, I don't personally know of any problems with walking down the tracks.
I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....
proud Cracker-Americaan
muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one