Originally Posted By: tfd1224
Tall tines just reminded me of another one. I was working on an ambulance at this time and my wife and I were living with her mom and stepdad. Well I had had one of those 24 hour shifts on the ambulance where I got a grand total of about 15 minutes of sleep and I had to do something the next day too so I didn't sleep during the day. Well we go to sleep and I wake up to get in the shower in the morning and I am remembering a weird dream I had last night but it seemed so real. I got out of the shower and told my wife, she was my girlfriend then. I said I don't know if it really happened but I think I dreamed I woke up in your parents bed wearing nothing but my undies on my hands and knees between your mom and stepdad, then your stepdad wakes up and says what the f*** are you doing in our bed? Then your mom asks the same thing and I say hell I don't really know so I crawled over your mom, I mean straddled her and got out of the bed and came back in here. She said it must have been a dream because I never got out of bed. At 9:00 I was sitting at work and got a text saying it wasn't a dream. For 3 months until we finally closed on our house I got little prods like, well I guess we're going to go get the bed warm for nick and all kinds of crap like that. It was like the gift that kept on giving.

What the mom look like?? laugh lol

"You do and it will be the biggest mistake you ever made, you Texas brush popper" John Wayne