NOT TRUE. Wardens don't have a quota either, a set number of cases, or contacts, they have to make a month/quarter/year. State Troopers have a quota on number of contacts per shift, but just about any contact with a driver(wreck, warning, ticket, etc) is a contact.
GWs are paid a set amount each two weeks for working and only added overtime pay will increase the pay.
And the last time they authroized any overtime for wardens was about 1989, if I recall correctly...
you recall INCORRECTLY.....
I worked overtime in 2003, they(DCNR) had overtime in 2004, and, I think< 2005. I retired 2005 so I have no knowledge of after that date.
and we didn't work any overtime in 1989 or until 2003......
I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....
proud Cracker-Americaan
muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one