For what it is worth, the railroads do not like anyone shooting or throwing anything near the rails. they actually don't even like people being on the tracks. We've had to respond to many calls of kids with BB guns near the tracks and kids throwing rocks at the sides of trains. The RR police have actually wanted to charge kids with a felony for throwing rocks on one occaision. The point is they take this very serious (maybe too serious sometimes in my opinion), and will complain and send the RR police, (yes they have their own police), to make sure something is done.
Perhaps this is a case of the warden having to respond to numerous complaints from the RR about people "hunting" from their tracks. The warden is then almost put in a position of showing that they did something to alleviate the complaints. I've been there and done that before about the kids throwing rocks at the side of the train.
you learn real quick where and when to close the windows on a locomotive. North B'ham was the worst for kids throwing rocks at us.