Ok right now its 40 days. Last week the NMFS lost a major lawsuit against the commercial fishermen. The lawsuit basically claimed that the NMFS has lagged on getting the recreational fishermen on an accountable fish management plan and because of the NMFS mismanagement of the fishery the recreational side has over caught the quota for 6 of the last 7 years, most years over a million pounds, the only year they didn't was the 2010 oil spill year. Now this forces the NMFS to come up with an accountable fish management plan that doesn't go over on quota, or risk getting sued again and losing again, this is going to take some time, maybe we will have something in place by next year hopefully. Until then I expect the NMFS to increase the "buffers" on what were allowed to catch which will in turn cost us many days of season. I really see them going to a 15 to 20 day summer season then count the fish and then have a small fall season. This lawsuit is both a good and bad thing for us. In the short term its going to suck, but in the long term it will force them to actually change the way the manage the fishery and how they count the fish, right now its all a bull shucks survey, along with dock intercepts all bunched into some kind of formula. We need mandatory counting of every red snapper that comes out of the gulf.
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