Originally Posted By: Tru-Talker
Originally Posted By: btbab10
Originally Posted By: BhamFred
I'll give you a "real purpose" for a tagging system. It allows a GW to actually ticket a person for an untagged turkey...you know those guys who always have killed "four" birds?? The ones that kill 7-10-15 birds a season?? I knew a guy from Pickens Co that killed 45 in one season.....

I've never heard of anyone being ticketed for killing over the season limit..never.

Every enforcement Officer I ever knew was in favor of a tagging system to slow down the chronic offenders. Catch em coming out of the woods with an untagged bird...BAM. It won't stop em but most of us thought it could make a dent in the illegal kill.

Thank you for putting some actual sense in this topic.

Yeea.. He cleared that up... Harvest record is useless....

So Mr. Sarcastic, why are you against a real tagging system? Or do you not have a reason and just like to roll your eyes? wink

Last edited by Southwood7; 04/10/14 04:54 AM.

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Job 33:4