No laws, rules, and regulations catch everybody. And even though this country seems to be turning upside down, in the southeast there are still alot of good folks out there who do right. Game check or writing it down on your license is still voluntary right? Or doesn't it have to be done within 48 hours? I am not sure, but When I kill a gobbler or deer I immediately call it in just to make sure. I am one of those who try to do right, and who try to take care of our natural resources and follow the laws like I am supposed to.

What is so dang hard about putting a tag on a bird/deer and getting on the internet, a mobile app, or driving to a check station to report it? I actually enjoy doing this. I feel like I am doing my part. And if your greedy about wanting to kill 10-12 gobblers a year then do your thing. I am not trying to cast the first stone, but one day it could come back to haunt you.

Like I said earlier, I am not here to argue anything, I am just stating what I believe.