The law is being misinterpreted by Leo�s and individuals charged as a result. All you have to do to understand the intent is read Alabama Attorney General Opinion 84-00123 which clearly states both the interpretation and intent of the law. The way some of the Leo�s are applying it is ludicrous. Does anyone here want to try and convince me that it is ok to hunt within 50 yards of an elementary school with children on the playground, or up against a shopping mall, or sporting event but that you shouldn�t walk down a road or railroad carrying a rifle? If it was the intent, then we have fools in our judicial system.
Drive down I-65 Northbound when you pass MM 130 start looking on your right all the way to the rest stop there are numerous stands within 50 yards of the interstate. It is legal under the definition of the law, because they own the land. The law was established to prevent the poaching of deer from roads, railroads and right of way. It had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with safety. Modern rewrites or republications say to �address safety concerns� because someone is either to stupid or lazy to do their research. Go back and look at the history of 9-11-257.
Someday, there is a probability that someone you know will be charged for something outside the law. Maybe your daughter at prom charged with drugs or paraphernalia because an officer found drugs in her car that her friend dropped during a routine traffic stop. Maybe it will be your son coming out of a bar with keys in hand planning to hand them to a friend to drive, getting charged with a DUI because the officer felt he was going to drive. Or maybe one of your parents fighting to survive on life support, and by some vague misconstrued law a judge allows the insurance company to stop paying. I spent money that I had saved for my grandchildren�s education appealing this because I feel it is that important. Your turn will come.

Last edited by Bucky205; 02/15/11 09:08 PM.

"There are no easy days, not even yesterday"