Originally Posted By: jawbone
Originally Posted By: outdoorobsession
actually..evictions are no problem in my experience at all. In 22 years of real estate..Ive done 4-5 evictions.

You give them a seven day notice(demand for rent) after the 5th of the month if they havent paid. Then..after the seven days you go to the court house and for 326 dollars file an eviction...which the sheriffs deputies serve.

They have seven days to appeal. Everyone fails to appear for court. Then the sheriffs deputies show up and remove them from the property.

They used to show up with a crew of work release convicts...who would take the stuff out of the apartment and place it at the curb. We then changed the locks.
Now days they dont use work release people and we have to provide our workers to do it.

I have held 25-30 rental units continously from 1994 on...from four units, to 10 units, 12 units and even 18 units as well as a number of single family homes...and again..in over 22 years...we have only done 4-5 evictions total.

It takes less then 30 days normally...and we can tell if a tenant is scamming us or is really in need of help.
If they are REALLY in need of a little help..we will work with them..but after 22 years..I can tell one who isnt and one who is.

By the way..I just served a seven day demand last friday and am about to issue an eviction. This is a single family home dweller too...which we have never had problems with ( single family I mean).
I figure they will be out within 14 days from now. we believe narcotics are a big part of the problem with them. Theyd rather spend their money on pot then rent it seems.

But what if they show up for court and want a court date? They then have to be given a later date and then what if they get Legal Services of Alabama to represent them? Getting a court date suitable to all parties is no easy matter. And then come the appeals. It can easily be stretched out. In the meantime, no rent and no eviction. Professional leeches know the system and know how to play it to the max. I've dealt with them for the last 30 years.

4-5 evictions in 22 years. Count your blessings. I know landlords that have to do 4-5 evictions a month.

By the way..If they SHOW UP for court...that IS their court date. They would have to file for an extension of another date prior to that! You think they show up and nothing happens????
If they are present...its on like donkey kong!

I deal in Madision, Morgan and Lawrence counties...and Ive never had a problem at all.